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Author TITLE
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Ems
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Jatzfeld, soolbad in Wurtemberg
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Kosen, Soolbad in Naumburg
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Kronthal
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Landeck in Scheinen
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Langebrucken
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Meinberg pyrmont
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Schwalbach
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Teinach in Wirtemburg
Griesselich, Ludwig Proving of Weilbach water
Griggs, William B. A subjective proving of glycerin
Grimes, Melanie A Proving of Tule Bluet damselfly
Grimes, Melanie Tiger shark liver, Galeocerdo cuvier hepar, A homeopathic proving
Grimm, A. Kent's Repertorium Generale, Gewinn für die Homöopathie?
Grimmer, Arthur H. Antimonium tartaricum, Teucrium scorodonia and Helix tosta
Grimmer, Arthur H. Applications of Remedies to Cancer cases
Grimmer, Arthur H. Carbo vegetabilis
Grimmer, Arthur H. Differentiating symptoms of some of the cadmium salts
Grimmer, Arthur H. The Collected Works of Arthur Hill Grimmer M.D., edited by Ahmed N. Currim, Ph.D., M.D.
Gross, R.H. Comparative Materia Medica
Guernsey, Henry Newell Obstetrics
Guernsey, William Jefferson Desires and Aversions
Guernsey, William Jefferson Malandrinum
Guess, George Cases in ReferenceworksT
Guild-Legget, S.L. Ferrum sulphuricum
Gunavante, S.M. Genius of homeopathic remedies
Günther, R./Wittern, R. Katalog der Bibliothek des Homöopathie-Archivs, Institut für Geschichte der Medizin der Robert Bosch Stiftung
Gutge-Wickert, A. Elemente zur Berliner Homöopathie Arzneimittle prüfung Medusa
Gutmann, William Cadmium Metallicum
Gypser, Klaus Henning Entstehung, Struktur und praktische Anwendung von Bogers Boenninghausen's Characteristics and Repertory Teil I
Gypser, Klaus Henning Fehler im Repertorium von Kent
Gypser, Klaus Henning Kent's minor Writings on Homeopathy
Gypser, Klaus Henning Zur Frage der Verlässlichkeit des homöopathischen Instrumentariums
Gypser, Klaus Henning Zur Problematik synonymer Rubriken im Repertorium von Kent
Gypser, Klaus Henning/Waldecker, A. Bestätigungen von Symptomen im Kentschen Repertorium und Nachträge aus der Materia Medica
Gypser, Klaus Henning/Waldecker, A. Gesammelte Arzneimittelprüfungen aus Stapfs "Archiv für die homöopathische Heilkunst"
Hahnemann, Samuel Coffeinum
Hahnemann, Samuel Fragmenta de Viribus Medicamentorum
Hahnemann, Samuel Krankenjournal D2
Hahnemann, Samuel Krankenjournal DF5
Hahnemann, Samuel Lesser Writings Dudgeon
Hahnemann, Samuel Materia medica Pura, Transl. Dudgeon
Hahnemann, Samuel Organon of Medicine Transl.Boericke 6th Ed.
Hahnemann, Samuel The Chronic Diseases, Transl. Tafel
Hale, Edwin M. Materia Medica of new Remedies Symptomatology
Hale, Edwin M. Materia Medica of New Remedies Therapeutics
Hale, Edwin M. Proving of Illex casseine, Monograph on
Hale, Edwin M. Proving of Nelubrium luteum, Monograph
Hale, Edwin M. Proving of Viburnum prunifolium
Hale, R. Douglas Acute Diseases of the Chest
Hamilton, Edward The Flora homoeopathica or Illustrations and descriptions of the Medicinal plants used as homoeopathic remedies
Hansel, Jürgen Ephedra und die Zauberpflanzen
Hansen, Oscar A Text-book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics of Rare homoeopathic Remedies (a supplement to Dr. A.C. Cowperthwaite's Materia Medica)
Hart, Charles Porter Repertory of Hale's New Remedies
Hart, Charles Porter Therapeutics of nervous diseases
Hartmann, Franz Arsenicum album
Hartmann, Franz Diseases of Children, Transl. Hempel C.J.
Hatherly, Patricia A. A proving of Cadmium metallicum
Hatherly, Patricia A. The homoeopathic proving of Lac maternum
Hawkes, William J. Characteristic Indications of Prominent Remedies
Hayes, R.E.S. A Study of Ambergris
Hayes, R.E.S. Adaxukah effects and other provings
Hayes, R.E.S. Correspondence about repertories and the post-graduate school
Hayes, R.E.S. Repertories: Boger's especially
Hayes, R.E.S. The synoptic key
Hayes, R.E.S. Vipera torva, clinical reports
Heck, Guenter Elemente zur Bernliner Homoopathie, Tegenaria atrica
Heinigke, Carl Pathogentic Outlines of Homoeopathic Drugs
Hempel, Karl Julius Materia Medica and Therapeutics
Hering, Constantine Analytical Repertory of Symptoms of the Mind
Hering, Constantine Condensed Materia Medica
Hering, Constantine Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica
Herrick, Nancy Animal Mind, Human voices, provings of eight new animal remedies
Herrick, Nancy Banisteria caapi
Herrick, Nancy Proving of Nelumbo nucifera
Herscu, Paul Provings, with a proving of Alcoholus
Herscu, Paul The Homeopathic Treatment of Children: Pediatric Constitutional Types
Heudens-Mast, Henny Hyoscyamus
Heudens-Mast, Henny Personal additions to carcinosinum, unpublished
Higgins, S.B. Ophidians
Holcombe, A.W. Spasms and convulsions, an abridged repertory
Holmes, Peter The energetics of western herbs
Houat, L.T. Homoeopathie et Toxologie
Houat, L.T. Nouvelles Donnees de M.M.H. et de Toxicologie
Houghton, J./Halahan, E. The Homoeopathic Proving of Lac Humanum
Hoyne, Temple S. Clinical therapeutics
Hoyne, Temple S. Materia Medica Cards
Hughes, Richard Cyclopaedia of drug pathogenesy
Hughes, Richard Repertory to the Cyclopaedia Drug Pathogenesis
Hui Bon Hoa, Jacques Carcinosinum, Etude pathogenesique et clinique
Hui Bon Hoa, Jacques Nosodes intestinaux
Hyde, Rosemary C., Hogeland, Anneke, Scriebman, Judy A trituration experience with persimmon, diospyros kaki
Imberechts, Jacques Carcinosin, 69 clinical observations, 31 international congress LIGA Athens
Imhäuser, Hedwig Homöopathie in der Kinderheilkunde 5th Ed.
Irwin, Anne A proving of the seven streams of taosca
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib Homoeopathic Treatment of Diseases of females and infants at the breast, Transl. Hempel
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib Hulls "Jahr", Transl. Hempel, 6 th american Edition
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib Klinische Anweisungen zu homöopathischer Behandlung der Krankheiten
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib Mental Diseases, Transl. Galloway
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib, Snelling, frederick G. Hull's Jahr; A new Manual of Homoeopathic Practice. Repertory.
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottleib/Chevalier Therapeutic Guide, 40 years Practice
James, B.W. Tumors
Jansen, J.W. Synthetic Bedside repertory for gestation, childbirth and childbed
Jansen, Jean Pierre Malus sylvestris
Jansen, Jean Pierre Ulmus campestris
Jansen, Jean Pierre Wie helpt de muse helpen. Apeira syringaria
Jansen, Jean Pierre, Sherr, Jeremy, Dynamis School Taxus baccata
Jithesh, T.K. Proving of Sida alnifolia
Johnston, Linda Repertory Additions from Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
Jost, Marcus Die Eiche, Quercus robur
Julian, Othon Andre Intestinal nosodes of Bach-Paterson
Julian, Othon Andre Materia Medica der Nosoden 4th Ed.
Julian, Othon Andre Materia Medica of new Homoeopathic Remedies
Julian, Othon Andre Treatise on Dynamised micro immunotherapy part I II
Kamthan, P.S. Cancer curable under homoeopathic treatment
Kasad, K.N. Homeopathy in Cancer
Kastner, Raimund Friedrich Bönninghausens Physiognomik der homöopatischen Arzneimittel
Kastner, Raimund Friedrich Bönninghausens Repertorium der homöopatischen Arzneimittel und Geniushinweise
Keil Proving of Friedrichhaller Bitterwasser
Keller, Georg von Computer und homöopathische Einzelsymptome
Keller, Georg von Eine Quellenstudie zum Kentschen Repertorium
Keller, Georg von Staphisagria
Kenner & Requena Botanical Medicine
Kent, James Tyler Abrotanum
Kent, James Tyler Agaricus
Kent, James Tyler Argentum nitricum
Kent, James Tyler Baryta carbonica
Kent, James Tyler Borax venata
Kent, James Tyler Cactus grandiflorus
Kent, James Tyler Calcarea carbonica
Kent, James Tyler From locations other than the original Kent's repertory location
Kent, James Tyler Lecture of homoeopathic Philosophy
Kent, James Tyler Lecture on Lycopodium
Kent, James Tyler Lectures on Homoepathic Materia Medica
Kent, James Tyler Lesser Writings, New Remedies, clinical cases
Kent, James Tyler Muriaticum acidum
Kent, James Tyler Notes from an extemporaneous lecture on Ferrum metallicum
Kent, James Tyler Notes from an extemporaneous lecture on Rhus toxicodendron
Kent, James Tyler Platina, Kent's Lectures as collected by G. Evans
Kent, James Tyler Pulsatilla
Kent, James Tyler Repertory 1th Ed. with P. Schmidt annotations
Kent, James Tyler Repertory 3th Ed. with P. Schmidt's Annotations
Kent, James Tyler Repertory 6th Ed.
Kent, James Tyler Robinia
Kent, James Tyler The Development and Formation of the Repertory
King, John C. Headaches/Repertory Analysis
King, Lesley/Lawrence, B. Luna, a proving
Kittler, Monica Aqua destillata, die Pruefung
Kittler, Monica Thea chinensis, die Pruefung
Kittler, Monica, Shukla, Chetna, Müller, Karl Joseph Anas indica, Indische Ente, Pruefung und Kasuistik
Kittler, Monica, Shukla, Chetna, Müller, Karl Joseph Carassius auratus, Goldfish, Zwei Pruefungen, Drei Faelle
Klein, Louis Coriandrum sativum
Klein, Louis Helodrilus caliginosus
Klein, Louis Lectures and Cases
Klein, Louis Loxosceles reclusa
Klein, Louis Proving of Carbon dioxide
Klein, Louis Proving of vanilla planifolia
Klein, Louis Scutellaria lateriflora
Klein, Louis, Mantewisiwich, Emily Six new provings in the Hahnemannian tradition with volunteer participants from the homeopathic master clinician course
Klein, Louis, Mantewsiwich, Emily Hahnemannian proving of Argentum Sulphuricum
Kleinert, G.O. Quellen-Nachweis der Physiologische Arzneiprüfungen
Klunker, Wil Als-ob Symptome
Klunker, Wil Beiträge zur jüngsten Editionslage des Kentschen Repertoriums
Klunker, Wil Bemerkungen zu den Zeitbeziehungen der Symptome in der Homöopathie
Klunker, Wil Bibliographie der Publikation von Dr. Pierre Schmidt
Klunker, Wil Corrigenda in der neuen Ausgabe des Repertoriums von Kent
Klunker, Wil Ein Beitrag zur repertorialen Symptomenrubrizierung
Klunker, Wil Eine Arzneimittelprüfung von Espeletia grandiflora
Klunker, Wil Ist eine Revision von"Kent's Repertory" notwendig?
Klunker, Wil Reves et delusions de serpents
Klunker, Wil Towards the establishment of Symptom rubrics for a repertory
Klunker, Wil Zu den Rubriken des Sauglings-und Stillbeschwerden im Kentschen Repertorium
Klunker, Wil Zur Herkunft der Symptomengrade
Knerr, Calvin B. Drug Relationships
Knerr, Calvin B. Life of Hering
Knerr, Calvin B. Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms
König Peter, Santos-König, U. Berberis, Rhododendron, Convallaria, traumgeschehen und psychodynamik dreier Arzneiprüfungen
König, Peter Acidum succinicum
König, Peter, Dauz, Gerda, Weiland, Juergen Vitis vinifera, Arzneimittelpruefung Wein, zwei homoopathische Arzneimittelstudien in einem Band
Koninklijke Maatschappij ter Bevordering der Pharmacie Informatorium Medicamentorum deel I en II
Korndoerfer, A C. von Boenninghausen's Homoeopathic Therapeia of Intermittent and Other fevers
Krichbaum, J.W. Arsenicum iodatum
Krichbaum, J.W. Sinapis nigra
Krichbaum, J.W. The Remedy v.s Mechanics in Cases of Difficult Labor
Krichbaum, J.W. The surgical sphere and indications for hypericum
Kroschewski, F. Homoopathie, 360 kristallklar
Kroschewski-Koenig, Friedel Repertorium Nachträge
Kunze, H. Carduus marianus
Künzli, Jost Kent's Repertorium Generale
Künzli, Jost Lectures
Laborde, Yves Die Hereditaeren Chronischen Krankheiten
Laborde, Yves, Mettler, W., Mettler, R. Klinische Materia medica der Krebsmittel
Lafeuillade, J. Additionnal remedies and symptoms to Kent's Repertory from Clarke's Dictionary: Pregnancy from Homoepathia europea proceedings Lyon France
Lamothe, Jacques Le Premiere Matiere Médicale Pédiatrique
Langenscheidt Der kleine Muret-Sanders Deutsch-English 6th Ed. 1991
Lansard A., group Mercurius Etude de la rubrique du Mind Restlessness, while sitting
Lathoud, Joseph-Amedée Matiere Médicale Homoeopathique
Lee, Edmund Jennings Repertory of Characteric Symptoms of Hom. Mat. Medica
Lee, Edmund Jennings Repertory of Mind and Head
Leeser, Otto Homeopathic Materia Medica
Lemus Transito, Antonio The Centipede
Leonard, W.H. Proving of Papaya vulgaris, Asima triloba
Lesigang, H. Oenanthe crocata, a proving
Lillienthal, Samuel Homoeopathic Therapeutics
Lippe, Adolph D. von Cactus grandiflorus
Lippe, Adolph D. von Case of acute rheumatism cured by Lac caninum
Lippe, Adolph D. von Key to Materia Medica
Lippe, Adolph D. von Keynotes and Red line symptoms of the Materia Medica
Lippe, Adolph D. von Lachnanthes tinctoria
Lippe, Adolph D. von Syphilinum
Lippe, Adolph D. von Text-Book of Materia Medica
Lippe, Constantine Repertory to the More Characterics Symptoms of the Materia Medica
Lobisch, Klaus Proving of Bacillus Haemophilus influenzae type B
Löbisch, Klaus Hura brasiliensis, eine Arznei die Zustände van Aussatzigkeit kennt un zu heilen vermag
Löbisch, Klaus Proving of Mus musculus
Löbisch, Klaus UV-Licht, eine Arzneimittelpruefung
Löbisch, Klaus UV-Licht, eine Arzneimittlepruefung
Lodispoto, A. Kleines Lexicon der Nahrungsmittelbeziehungen
Lodispoto, A. Persönliche Beobachtung
Logan, Robin Cyclamen
Long, Bernard, Cayrel Rosmarinus officinalis
Lowe, J.N. Mind and disposition during parturition
Löwes, Thomas and others Additions to Kent's Repertory, Sources Clarke's Dictionary, Boericke MM, Allen's Cyclopedia, Hering's Guiding Symptoms
Lustig, Didier, Rey, Jacques The homeopathic proving of Neptunium muriaticum
Lutze, F.H. Facial and Sciatic Neuralgias
Lutze, F.H. Hypericum
Macfarlan, Donald "Colocynthis"
Macfarlan, Donald A reproving of Calcarea carbonica
Macfarlan, Malcolm Calendula
Macfarlan, Malcolm Kalium iodatum
Macfarlan, Malcolm Plantago major
Macfarlan, Malcolm Proving of Ruta
MacFarlan, Malcolm Provings and clinical observations with High potenties
Macfarlan, Malcolm Viola odorata, proving, re-proven
Madaus, Gerhard Lehrbuch der Biologischen Heilmittel, Register für die therapeutische Anwendung
Mangialavori, Massimo Seminar report
Marcy, Erastus Edgerton The Homoeopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine
Marim, Matheus Brosimum gaudichaudii, experimentaç?o pura
Marim, Mattheus Carcinosin, A Clinical Study
Marlow Fries, Suzanne, Azar, Sandra The homeopathic proving of Ruby
Martens, Ruth Suggestions for changes in Kent's Repertory
Masci, P./Kendall, P. The Taipan, the world's most dangerous Snake
Masi Elizalde Cours superieur de revision de la doctrine de la technique et de la metiere médicale homeopathique
Master, Farokh Jamshed A proving of mocccasin snake
Master, Farokh Jamshed Banded Krait, a homeopathic proving
Master, Farokh Jamshed Homoeopathy in Cancer
Master, Farokh Jamshed Perceiving rubrics of the mind
Master, Farokh Jamshed Tumours & homoeopathy
Mathew, George Proving of Phyllanthus amarus
Mathur, Kailash Narayan Systematic Materia Medica
McLaren, Kenneth A. Ephedra vulgaris, a proving
medorrhinum Group Additions for Ammonium carbonicum
Medorrhinum group Additions proposals to Kent's Repertory for Antimonium tartaricum
Mersch Thérapie Extra-Pharmacologique
Metcalf, James W. Homoeopathic Provings
Meyer Naque, M. Additionnal remedies and symptoms to Kent's Repertory from Clarke's Dictionary Lactation
Meyer, Veit Der Kreuzbrunnen und seine Heilwirkungen
Meyhoffer, C. International Homeopathic Convention Basel 1886
Mezger, Julius Gesichtete Homöopatische Arzneimittellehre
Micklem, Robert Carcinosin, a compendium of References
Miller, Andrew Kán Herbals
Mills, Simon, Bone, Kerry Principles & practice of phytotherapy
Minton, Henry Uterine Therapeutics
Mirilli d'Oliviera, Jose A. Thematic Repertory and Materia Medica
Moffat, John L. Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Ophthalmology
Mohr, Charles Verification of unverified symptoms in Allen's Encyclopedia
Möller, H. Homöopathie im Computerzeitalter
Morgan, Alonzo R. Repertory of Urinary Organs and Prostate Gland
Morgan, Fred Feldspar
Morrison, Roger Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory symptoms
Morrison, Roger Lectures and Keynotes in MacRepertory, Burgh-Haamstede, compiled by Ilse Bos
Morrow, H.C. Miscellaneous on remedies
Moskowitz, Richard Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy and childbirth
Muller, F./Renkema, E.H. Beknopt Latijns-nederlands woordenboek 12e druk
Muller, Karl Joseph Germanium metallicum, Die klinische Entdeckung eines homoopatischen Arzneimittels
Muller, Karl Joseph Mandragora officinarum, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestaetigungen
Muller, Karl Joseph Phosphoricum acidum, New aspects of the remedy with clinical confirmation
Muller, Karl Joseph Solanum tuberosum, die klinische Entdeckung eines homoopathischen Arzneimittels
Müller, Karl Joseph Acidum phosphoricum, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Ambra grisea, das chronische Bild
Müller, Karl Joseph Argentum nitricum, New Aspects of the Remedy with Clinical confirmation
Müller, Karl Joseph Calcarea arsenicosa, New Aspects of the remedy with clinical confirmation
Müller, Karl Joseph Calcium arsenicosum, neue Aspecte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Carcinosinum II, das chronische Bild
Müller, Karl Joseph Carcinosinum, new and confirmed clinical symptoms
Müller, Karl Joseph Cimicifuga, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Cuprum aceticum, Die klinische neuentdeckung eines homöopatischen Arzneimittels
Müller, Karl Joseph Lac caninum, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Lac humanum, The clinical discovery of a homeopathic remedy, a collection of case studies
Müller, Karl Joseph Lycopodium bei Frauen, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Mimosa case, fear in school
Müller, Karl Joseph Moschus, The Clinical rediscovery of a Homoeopathic Remedy
Müller, Karl Joseph Naja tripudians, das chronische Bild
Müller, Karl Joseph Opium, Neue Aspekte und deren klinische Bestätigungen
Müller, Karl Joseph Rhus toxicodendron, the chronic picture
Müller, Karl Joseph Sieben Schmetterlinge
Müller, Karl Joseph Tegenaria atrica, die klinische Neuentdeckung eines homoopathischen Arzneimittles
Müller, Karl Joseph Thuja occidentalis, new Aspects of the remedy with clinical confirmations
Müller, Karl Joseph, Ruster, Gerhard Lac felinum, a synthetic remedy picture from clinical confirmation
Muller, Karl Joseph, Shukla, Chetna N., Khopade, Nayana C., Ruster, Gerhard Oxygenium, Zwei homoopatische Pruefungen und Kasuistik

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