New sources in Complete Repertory 2008 by Roger van Zandvoort

Author Title Magazine Volume Year
  A Proving of Thymol Homoeopathic Recorder 25, no. 8 1910
Alastair, Jack Homeopathy in General Practice      
Allen, Henry C. Viburnum opulus, a fragmentary proving Homoeopathic Physician March 1881
Allen, Henry Clay Therapeutics of tuberculous affections      
Anand, Sunil Cured Cases      
Andersch-Hartner, Peter A Case of Dyspnoea Homeopathic Links   1993
Andersch-Hartner, Peter Mittelverwechslungen und Fehleintragungen in Repertorium und Materia Medica Zeitschrift für Klassische Homeopatie 49, p. 63-66 2005
Aspinwall, Mary Three generations long? Homeopathic Links   2000
Ballard, E.A. Dysnpnoea on falling asleep Homoeopathic Physician July 1882
Banerjea, Subrata Kumar Lyssin, the Medicine for the modern world Homeopathic Links   1995
Banerjea, Subrata Kumar Materia medica made easy      
Bedayn, Greg Tarentula hispanica, the wolf spider the Homoeopath 12.4 1994
Begin, Mary Firefly proving      
Bernard, H. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Bernard, H. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Constipation     1991
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1882
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Berridge, Edward W. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
Berridge, Edward W. Euthanasia in phtisis Homoeopathic Physician March 1882
Berridge, Edward W. Kali carb, rheumatism Homoeopathic Physician March 1881
Berridge, Edward W. Some clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1881
Boardman, J.C. Verified proving of Lac vaccinum Homoepathic World   1884
Boger, Cyrus M. Actea spicata Homoeopathic Recorder   1920
Boger, Cyrus M. Materia Medica Notes: Squilla Homoeopathic Recorder XXI, no.3 1906
Borland, Douglas M. Digestive Drugs     1940
Brazie Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Brigham, Gershom Nelson Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Brown, Dyce On the treatment of common metritis, especially that form known as endo-cervicitis, with ulceration of cervix Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Burgess Webster, Margaret Pyrogenum Medical Advance, The 45, 12 1907
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1882
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician March 1882
Burnett, James Compton Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Butler, Clarence Willard Lycopodium clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1882
Butler, Clarence Willard Two cases of intermittent fever Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
Cairo, Nilo Crotalus terrificus Homoepathic World   1909
Camp Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Campbell, Anthony B. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Campora, Carlos N. Ein Fall von Schizophrenie und seine Heilung mit Cenchris contortrix Zeitschrift für Klassische Homeopatie   2007
Cardoso, Licinio Cyrtopodium punctatum      
Carter, P.W. Indian dysentery and cholera Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Case, Erastus E. Magnetis polus australis Transactions of the International Hahnemannian Association    
Case, Erastus E. Some characteristics of Kali-phosphoricum Homoeopathic Physician   1892
Casseday Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Chakravarti, B.B. Momordica charantia clinical verfications Homoepathic World   1906
Champlin, H.W. Croton tiglium Hahnemannian Advocate   1896
Chancerel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Chancerel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Chancerel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Chargé, A. Haemorrhoids and their treatment Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Chatterjee, Sujit A case of behavioural problems Homeopathic Links   1993
Chatterjee, Sujit Ficus indica proving     1996
Chatterjee, Sujit Ficus religiosa proving      
Chatterjee, Sujit Homeopathic Proving of Uranium nitrate     2003
Chauhan R.K. Expressive drug pictures of homoeopathic materia medica      
Chein, Michael Proving of Ritalin     2006
Chiron, P. Insufficiency of the Heart and Serum Anguillae Homoeopathic Recorder XXIV, no. 5 1909
Clark, George Hardy Intermittent fever with cases Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Clarke, John Henry Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Clarke, Paris G. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Close, Stuart N. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician May 1899
Close, Stuart N. Diphtheria with cases Homoeopathic Physician Apr. 1899
Collier, C. & Davis, J. Lavender proving      
Conant, Clarence M. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Conlyn Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Cooper, Robert T. Crataegus oxyacantha Homoepathic World   1902
Cooper, Robert T. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Coppé, Yves Clinical confirmations      
Cranch Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1882
Dam, Kees Ayahuasca proving      
Danforth Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Davis, F. S. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician May 1899
Deady Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Deckers, Arnold Clinical confirmations and additions      
Desai, Rupal C. A case of oleander Homeopathic Links   1999
Dewey, Willis A. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Dunham, Carroll Silicea headache Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1882
Dunning Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Duprat, Henry Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Edgar, J.F. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Farrington, Ernest Therapeutic pointers and lesser writings with some clinical cases     1979
Farrington, Ernest Albert Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1882
Farrington, Ernest Albert Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1882
Farrington, Ernest Albert Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Fellows, H.B. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Fincke, Bernhardt Proving of Saccharum lactis Homoeopathic Physician March 1890
Fleisher, Mitch Cases from ReferenceWorks      
Fraser, Peter, Devon School of Homeopthy Buckyball proving     2002
Gale, Geo G. Euthanasia Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1881
Galic, Tjado Clinical additions      
Geary, Marie The Bracken Proving, A Homeopathic proving of Pteridium aquilinum     1991
Geest, Johan De Bloemlezing uit meer dan 15 jaar praktijk Revue Belge d'Homoeopathie 60, no. 1 2007
Geukens, Alfons Inflammation of the middle ear, a Case of Silica Homeopathic Links   1999
Gilbert, Chas B. Nastiness Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1899
Gilbert, Chas B. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Gillard Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Gillingham, H.P. A proving of thyroid gland Homoeopathic Recorder   1922
Gonzalez Luiz German y Gonzalez Experimentacion del Colegio de Homeopatas del estado de Puebla     2000
Goullon, Heinrich jr. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Grabill Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Grandgeorge, Didier The spirit of homeopathic medicines      
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Homeopathic proving of Bufo rana     2005
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Homeopathic Proving of Culex pervigilans      
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A homeopathic proving of pearl     2004
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Homeopathic Proving of Tea Tree      
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Proving of Cactus grandiflorus     2005
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Proving of Sophora microphylla, kowhai      
Gray, Alastair, Nature Care College A Proving of Telopea speciosissima, waratah     2005
Gray, Bill Close but not close enough, A case of Actea spicata Homeopathic Links   1999
Gregg Custis, J.B. Cases from practice Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1882
Gregory, E.P. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1882
Gringauz, Jacobo Histaminum Homeopatia VI 1950
Grinney, Tony, North West College of Homoeopathy A Proving of Thiosinamine      
Grinney, Tony, North West College of Homoepathy A proving of thiosinamine      
Guernsey, Henry Newell Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Gupta, A.K. The problem child and homeoathy      
Gutmann, William Homeopathy, Fundamentals and Essence      
Gutmann, William Sulphurous acid, Prevention and treatment of the effects of air pollution and of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease British Homoeopathic Journal    
Haines Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Hale, Edwin M. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Hallett Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
hardy, Jonathan Two cases of Cenchris contortrix Homeopathic Links   2000
Hartlaub, Carl Georg Christian & Trinks, Carl Friedrich Reine Arzneimittellehre     1828
Hawley, William A. A curious case, cantharis Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Hawley, William A. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Hawley, William A. Inflammatory rheumatism, cina Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
Hayes, R.E.S. Using cuprum in flu Homoeopathic Recorder III 1921
Hempel, Karl Julius A case of chronic ovaritis and leucorrhea, successfully treated by one dose of platina 200 Homoeopathic Physician May 1882
Herrick, Nancy Cases      
Herrick, Nancy Sacred plants, Human voices     2003
Hildebrandt, Jörg Toxopneustes pileolus      
Hinsdale, W.B. Apocynum cannibinum Homoeopathic Recorder XV, no.7 1900
Holcombe, Wm. H. On the differential diagnosis and treatment of yellow fever Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Hoopes Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Howard, C.C. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Apr. 1899
Hoyne, Temple S. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
huffman, J. E. A calcarea case Homoeopathic Physician Apr. 1899
Hussey, E.P. Case from practice Homoeopathic Physician June 1882
Inez, Gina Folliculinum: Estrogen Gone Awry American Homoeopath   1997
Irwin, Anne Tory Island Clay proving, red granite clay     2003
Ivatts Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Jackson, Jessica Desire to be of service, A corral of Lac equinum cases Homeopathic Links   2000
jackson, Mercy B. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 505 1881
Jahr, George Heinrich Gottlieb Systematisch alphabetisches Repertorium der homoopathischen Arzneimittellehre     1848
James, Walter M. Bell., croup Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
James, Walter M. Quinsy Homoeopathic Physician March 1881
Jansen, Jean Pierre When feelings are neglected by those responsible Homeopathic Links   1999
Johnson Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Jorgenfelt, Chris Thuja - with emphasis on children Homeopathic Links   2003
Joslin, Benjamin Franklin First proving of Rhus radicans American Homoeopathic Review, The Sept. 1859
Kent, James Tyler A case of chronic arthritis Homoeopathic Recorder May 1884
Kent, James Tyler Clinical notes Homoeopathic Recorder May 1884
Kent, James Tyler Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Kent, James Tyler Pointers Homoeopathic Recorder   1902
Kernler Adonis vernalis Homoeopathic Recorder XX, no.4 1905
Kershaw Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Kimball, Samuel A. Diphtheria with cases Homoeopathic Physician Apr. 1899
King, John C. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
King, Stephen & Kipnis, Sheryl A small but useful remedy international federation of homeopathy case proceedings   1994
Kulkarni, V.M. Gynecology and Obstretics      
L Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Laird Periscope Homeopathic Links May 1882
Lee, Edmund Jennings Notes from our scrap-book Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Legarreta, Luiz G. Materia Medica Homeopatica de Plantas Mexicanas     1961
Legarreta, M. Illecebrum paronichia, Alternanthera repens La Homeopatia XIII, 3 1907
Leonard, W. E. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Leonard, W. E. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Lilienthal, Samuel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Lilienthal, Samuel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Lilienthal, Samuel Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Lippe, Adolph D. von Acidum benzoicum Homoeopathic Recorder Jan. 1885
Lippe, Adolph D. von Bufo, including proving by Houat Hahnemannian Monthly June 1871
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Physician March 1881
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Physician July 1882
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Recorder Jul. 1885
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Recorder June 1883
Lippe, Adolph D. von Clinical reflections Homoeopathic Recorder Feb. 1883
Lippe, Adolph D. von Comparison of heart symptoms aggravated by motion Homoeopathic Recorder Jul. 1885
Lippe, Adolph D. von New discoveries Homoeopathic Recorder Jan 1883
Lippe, Adolph D. von Psorinum, clinical reflections Homoeopathic Recorder April 1884
Lippe, Adolph D. von Reflections Homoeopathic Recorder Nov. 1885
Lippe, Adolph D. von Ruta graveolens Homoeopathic Recorder Oct. 1883
Lippe, Adolph D. von The cholera Homoeopathic Recorder Jan. 1885
Lippe, Adolph D. von The importance of a single symptom Homoeopathic Recorder May 1883
Lippe, Adolph D. von Tilia europea Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Lippe, Adolph D. von Vomiting of milk Homoeopathic Recorder April 1884
Lippe, Constantine Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Lippe, Constantine Diseases of infants Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Lippe, Constantine Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1882
Lizama, Manuel A. Cholostrum Prontuario de Materia Medico   1937
Logan, Robin The Homoeopathic Treatment of Eczema      
Luna Castro, Hilario Centruroides suffusus pocock La Homeopatia en el mundo X, 7 1959
M.D. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Macfarlan, John Puerperal mania, with history of a case Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Master, Farokh Snakes in the homeopathic grass      
Master, Farokh Jamshed Homeopathic Bedside, clinical tips      
Master, Farokh Jamshed The father theme Homeopathic Links   1999
McGuire Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
McLaren, D.C. Cases from practice Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
McNeil, A. Haemorrhoids Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1882
McNeil, A. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct 1881
McNeil, A. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Midgley Cash, A. Diarrhoea, with sickness and vertigo Homoeopathic Recorder X, no.8 1895
Miller, John F. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Millspaugh, Charles F. A case from practice Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Millspaugh, Charles F. Intermittent fever Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Möllinger, Heribert Ferrum muriaticum      
Morales, Lopez & Cortes Rodriguez Gonzalo Gryllus assimilis, XVII Assemblea General de Homeopatia de Mexico     1991
Morgan, William L. Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician Apr. 1899
Morrell, Peter Hydrogen      
Morrow, H.C. Chionanthus in jaundice Homoeopathic Physician June 1896
Müller, Karl Joseph From calcarea sulphurica to ferrum iodatum Homeopathic Links   1994
Müller, Karl Joseph Lycopersicum esculentum, Das chronische Bild     2005
Nash, Eugene Beauharis Baptisia, typhoid, aloes, constipation Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Nash, Eugene Beauharis Chronic constipation, Silica Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1881
Nash, Eugene Beauharis Cough with vomiting Homoeopathic Physician May 1882
Nash, Eugene Beauharis Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Nash, Eugene Beauharis Podoph. and borax, in diarrhea Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Neustaedler, Randall Clematis, a reproving     1998
Neustaedter, Rand & Cummings, Steve Homeotherapy      
Nichols, C.F. Clinical cases, rheumatism Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Nichols, C.F. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Nichols, C.F. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Nichols, C.F. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Feb. 1882
Nicholson, T.D. On strychnin Homoeopathic Recorder VII, no. 4 1892
Niederkorn A handy reference book     1925
Norland, Misha Galium aparine     2003
Oehme, Ferdinand Gustave Antipyrinum Homoeopathic Recorder XVII, no. 5 1902
Olds, S.C.L. Aethusa Medical Advance XXXIII, 2 1895
Olsen, Steven The breakdown state of baryta carbonica International Foundation for Homeopathy Proceedings   1993
Ostermayr, Benno, Güthlin M. Alchemilla vulgaris, Ergebnisse enier homöopatischen Arzneimittelprüfung Zeitschrift für Klassische Homeopatie   2006
Ostrom, Homer Irvin Conservative surgery Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Owens Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Palmer, S. Proving of Tunbridge Wells aqua      
Parkhurst Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Patch, Frank W. A case of apparently threatened phthisis pulmonalis Homoeopathic Physician May 1899
Patch, Frank W. Intermittent fever Homoeopathic Physician June 1899
pearson, C. Legitimate homoeopathy Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Pearson, D. Clinical cases with comments   May 1881
Pease, F.O. The mercurials differentiated Homoeopathic Physician June 1899
Pitt, Richard The proving of Nicotiana rustica     2006
Plant, Richard Pipes, wires and cords, a case of Aranea ixobola Homeopathic Links   1998
Pope Periscope Homoeopathic Physician August 1881
Powell, Eric F.W. Biochemistry up to date      
Rabe, Rudolph F. A phosphorus case Medical Advance XLVI 1908
Raul ML, gruppo Oaxaca Experimentacion pura de Uncaria tomentosa     1999
Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich Homoeopathia antihomotoxica     1983
reichenberg-Ullman, Judith The case of the dream warrior international federation of homeopathy case proceedings   1995
Rendell, Leila A. Proving of Ammonium carbonicum Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Retzek, Heli Clinical additions      
Richardson-Boedler, Cornelia Generic      
Riley, David Terebinthina laricina      
Roberts, T.G. Calcarea phosphorica Homoeopathic Recorder XVI 1901
Rollin, R. Gregg Superiority of the high over the low potencies, in the treatment of the worst forms of disease Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Rosenthal, chaim I lost the place where i end and she begins Homeopathic Links   2000
Ross, Moya The Emerald proving     1994
Rowe, Todd, Desert Institute School of Classical Homeopathy A Proving of Salsola tragus, Tumbleweed      
Rowles, Joie A Proving of Sialia currucoides, Mountain Bluebird      
Ruffe, A.S. Xanthoxylum Medical Advance, The XLII, no.2 1904
Rushmore, Edward Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician July 1882
Rushmore, Edward Clinical cases Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Rushmore, Edward Clinical reports, with cases Homoeopathic Physician March 1882
Rushmore, Edward Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1881
Rushmore, Edward W. Intermittent fever Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Sanchez Caballero Edwiges et al Carcinosinum, Patogenesia completa la Homeopatia en el Mundo 47, no 1 1997
Sankaran, Rajan Case no.3 nux-v. International Federation of Homeopathy Proceedings   1994
Sankaran, Rajan Soul of remedies      
Schier, J. Spiraea ulmaria Homoeopathic Recorder XIV, no. 5 1899
Schmitt, Julius High potencies in parturition Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Scholten, Jan Calcarea muriatica case Homeopathic Links   1993
Scholten, Jan Homeopathie en de elementen     2002
Scholten, Jan Melaleuca lanceolata proving    
Scholten, Jan Parthenium hysteroporus      
Schuster, Bernd Bamboo, an important remedy for ailments after parturition Homeopathic Links   1997
Schuster, Bernd Caulophyllum, Frauenwurzel     2005
Scott Lowe, Joan A case of Lac caprinum Homeopathic Links   2000
Shah, Jawahar A case of angustura vera Homeopathic Links   1999
Shah, Jayesh Apis Homeopathic Links   1996
Shah, Jayesh Gambling and striking immediately, two cases of Androctonus Homeopathic Links   1999
Shah, Jayesh & shah, Nanditha & Anand, Sunil Culex musca, mosquito     1991
Shah, Prashant A spastic child, a case of Cenopodium anthelminthicum Homeopathic Links   1999
Sharfstein, Catherine Cases      
Shearer Periscope Homoeopathic Physician May 1881
Shepard, Cynthia, Luminos Homeopathic Courses Homeopathic proving of Anthopleura xanthogrammica     2005
Sherbino, G.W. Some clinical notes on Aqua Sanicula Homoeopathic Physician Aug. 1888
Sherr, Jeremy & Externest, Vera Proving of Phytolacca     2007
Sherr, Jeremy & Quirk, Tina Repertory of toxicological symptoms of Thallium salts      
Sherr, Jeremy & Quirk, Tina Toxicology of ionizing radiation      
Shore, Jonathan, Schriebman, Judy, Hogeland, Anneke Birds, Homeopathic Remedies from the Avian Realm      
Shukla, Chetna N. A gigantic black skeleton Homeopathic Links   1999
Shukla, Chetna N. The individualizing examinatino of the egg of the indian crow      
Skinner, Thomas Cases of chronic disease, cured Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Skinner, Thomas Periscope Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Smith, Carleton C. Aconitum napellus in its relation to the female sexual system Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Smith, Carleton C. Aranea diadema Homoeopathic Recorder Nov. 1885
Smith, Carleton C. Cimicifuga in its relation to acute catarrhal symptoms Homoeopathic Physician May 1882
Smith, Carleton C. Therapeutic hints Homoeopathic Recorder Feb. 1885
Smith, F.S. Some Thoughts Pertaining to Dulcmara as a Curative Agent Homoeopathic Recorder XXIX, no.10 1914
Smits, Tinus Lac maternum Homeopathic Links 12, no. 5 1999
Sommer, Miriam & Vieira, Angela Dioxine     2005
Springer, Wolfgang Calcarea arsenicosa Homeopathic Links   1998
Stirling, Penny The Homoeopathic proving of Bewick's Swan     2003
Straube Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Jan. 1882
Swan, Samuel Gnaphalium in sciatica Homoeopathic Physician April 1882
Swan, Samuel The scientific use of the nosodes Homoeopathic Physician Nov. 1881
Taylor, Lorraine Anacardium case Homeopathic Links   1991
Thomas Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Sept. 1881
Troup, R.M. Tuberculinum: an explosive Homoeopathic Recorder March 1940
Tuckey Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Tumminello, Peter Twelve Jewels     2005
Ussher Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Vakil, Prakash A text Book of Homeopathic Therapeutics, diseases of the Central Nervous System     1988
Van den Berghe, Samuel Two Argentum nitricum cases Homoepathic World   1909
Vermeulen, Frans Concordant Materia Medica II      
Vieira, Angela & Adams, Sandra & Dorneles, Erico Baccharis articulata Anais XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Homeopatia   2004
Wadia, S.R. Thuja British Homoeopathic Journal   1972
Wells, L.B. Ledum in cutaneous affections Homoeopathic Physician June 1882
Wesselhoeft, Wm. P. Cases cured by metals Homoeopathic Physician July 1881
Wheeler, Charles E. & Kenyon, J.D. Lycopersicum esculentum, Solanum lycopersicum British Homoeopathic Journal XXXI 1941
Wheeler, Francis J. The home medicine chest Aconite Homoepathic World   1932
Whipple Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Oct. 1881
Wigg, G. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician Dec. 1881
Wirtz, Anne Lac felinum Homeopathic Links 9, no. 3 1996
Woodbury, Benjamin C. Periscope Homoeopathic Physician June 1881
Wright, Craig A homeopathic drug proving of the venom of bitis arietans arietans      
Wright, Craig & Low, Lisa & Kell, Colette & van der Hulst, Nicolette & Webster, heather The proving of sutherlandia frutescens     1998
Zandvoort, van, Roger For your information only      
Zaren, Ananda Books rather than people Homeopathic Links   1997
Zaren, Ananda The hyoscyamus child the Homoeopath   1994
Zee, van der, Harry Miasms in labour     2002
Zoby, Elias Carlos Concordância Homeopática      

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